This is the fourth in a series of blogs on The Righteousness of God as a part of the Armor of God.
Take a moment and consider the things that are important in your life. Then list these things in order from most important to less important. How high on your list is the pursuit of wisdom? Is it even on your list? In Proverbs 8:10-11 we read, “Choose my instruction rather than silver, and knowledge rather than pure gold. For wisdom is far more valuable than rubies. Nothing you desire can compare with it.” In this passage we are told that wisdom has more value than silver, pure gold, and rubies. In fact, it said that wisdom has more value than anything else in the world that we could possibly desire. If we believe the Bible is truth, then why aren’t we applying this truth to our value system?
At the time this scripture was written, possession of silver, gold and rubies was a sign of financial wealth. People with this wealth could acquire the things they wanted. Our world has a very similar view today in our pursuit to possess a lot of money so that we can acquire the things we want. People work at jobs to obtain money and climb career ladders to obtain more money so they can buy what they want. Initially, we do this to pay for our basic family needs; shelter, food, and clothes. But as our income grows, we use it to obtain our wants. And often our wants exceed what we can pay for, so we often desire things beyond our reach driving us all the more to try to make more money.
But in Proverbs 8:10-11 we are told to value wisdom’s instruction over this wealth. Again, if we believe the Bible is truth, we need to turn our focus to the pursuit of wisdom and its application to our life. It’s a personal choice we must make. We can choose one or the other. If we choose poorly, we will suffer the consequences. The consequences are severe. Over the years I have read about surveys of wealthy people. In all the surveys I read, wealthy people were not content with what they had, and their wealth did not bring them joy and happiness. My conclusion is that the world’s wisdom to pursue wealth as a means to be happy is a lie.
In Proverbs 8:17-21 wisdom described the guidance we should value, “I love all who love me. Those who search will surely find me. I have riches and honor, as well as enduring wealth and justice. My gifts are better than gold, even the purest gold, my wages better than sterling silver! I walk in righteousness, in paths of justice. Those who love me inherit wealth. I will fill their treasuries.”
When we focus on the pursuit of wisdom and its application to our life, other riches will find us as a natural consequence. This does not mean that we will become financially wealthy by the world’s standard. God’s concept of wealth includes more than money. The application of God’s wisdom can be used to better manage the money we have. It includes finding peace and joy and happiness that surpasses anything the world has to offer. When we place our focus on God and His wisdom, we find contentment. People who are content are happy people. Families who are content are happy families. Communities who are content are happy communities.
Everyone desires contentment. We just look for it in the wrong place. If you have found satisfaction in the pursuit of worldly wealth, then by all means continue your pursuit. But if this does not bring you contentment, it’s time to change. Accept the truth from scripture and begin your pursuit of Godly wisdom. As you apply this wisdom to your life enjoy the peace and joy and happiness that God’s wisdom provides to you and your family; shaken not stirred.
All Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.